ReactiveComponent lets you connect any React UI component with an Elasticsearch query or an aggregation seamlessly. It can be used as a standalone component to integrate Elasticsearch queries into your frontend UI declaratively. It can also be used in conjunction with other ReactiveSearch components. Read more here.

How does this work?

ReactiveComponent supports a defaultQuery prop, which can take any Elasticsearch Query DSL object, and provides a callback onData prop which is called on successful query execution by Elasticsearch and can be used to create a side-effect in your app. There is also a render prop which can be used to render any React UI component of your choice which will have access to the hits and aggregations from the defaultQuery.


Let's suppose - we are building an e-commerce store for cars which displays a list of cars and 5 popular car brands in tabs UI as the user selects a tab the result gets updated with the cars of selected brand. Now if the user wants to select other brand from tab, the results should be updated to new selected brand. In this case, ReactiveComponent can be used with defaultQuery to achieve the desired behavior easily.

After selecting value from ReactiveComponent we will need to update result component with items satisfying the value, to achieve this we can take use of react prop. You can read more about the prop here.

Check demo here.

	defaultQuery={() => ({
		aggs: {
			'brand.keyword': {
				terms: {
					field: 'brand.keyword',
					order: {
						_count: 'desc',
					size: 5,
	render={data => {
		return <TabComponent dataField="brand.keyword" {} />;

Here TabComponent is responsible to render the Tabs UI and handle the switching between tabs and displaying selected filters. We are using render prop to display the component which provides an object with different parameters that can be used in rendering the UI and dispatching a new query. Fow switching the tab we will use onClick event to fire a new query. We will make use of the following paramateres provided by render method:

  • aggregations Object aggregations prop contains the results from aggs Elasticsearch query of the component.
  • setQuery function setQuery function sets the query of the component. It takes an object param of shape:
        query: {}, // query of the component
        value: ''  // value of the component
  • value any value contains the current value of the component (which can be set via setQuery() function). This is used for URLParams and SelectedFilters.

SelectedFilters with ReactiveComponent For showing selected filters we will use SelectedFilters. When we use ReactiveComponent we will need to maintain SelectedFilters value manually. To clear the selected value of ReactiveComponent use onClear prop on SelectedFilter and pass null in setQuery.

ReactiveComponent and React context If the CustomComponent contains multiple react components which need to access Elasticsearch data we can take use of react context in order to pass data through the component tree without having to pass props down manually at every level. We can refactor the above example to use multiple child components and pass the data using context. You can check the refactored app demo here.

ReactiveComponent with Ant Design Component You can also easily connect component from design system to index data using ReactiveComponent. Check the example here which connects Dropdown component of Antd with index data.

ReactiveComponent Query using helper method

You can also take advantage of various ReactiveSearch components static method for generating query. So we our basically selecting a single tab so we can use SingleList static method to generate query as follow:

	defaultQuery={() => ({
			dataField: 'brand.keyword',
			size: 5,
			sortBy: 'count',
	render={data => {
		return <TabComponent dataField="brand.keyword" {} />;


  • className String CSS class to be injected on the component container.

  • style Object CSS styles to be applied to the DataSearch component.

  • aggregationField String [optional] One of the most important use-cases this enables is showing DISTINCT results (useful when you are dealing with sessions, events and logs type data). It utilizes composite aggregations which are newly introduced in ES v6 and offer vast performance benefits over a traditional terms aggregation. You can read more about it over here. You can access aggregationData using render or onData prop as shown:

        render={({aggregationData}) => {...}}
        onData={({aggregationData}) => {...}}

    If you are using an app with elastic search version less than 6, then defining this prop will result in error.

    It is possible to override this query by providing defaultQuery or customQuery.

  • aggregationSize To set the number of buckets to be returned by aggregations.

    Note: This is a new feature and only available for appbase versions >= 7.41.0.

  • defaultQuery Function returns the default query to be applied to the component, as defined in Elasticsearch Query DSL.

  • customQuery Function returns the custom query to be applied to the component, as defined in Elasticsearch Query DSL. Custom query can be used to change the component's behavior for its subscribers.

  • onQueryChange Function is a callback function which accepts component's prevQuery and nextQuery as parameters. It is called everytime the component's query changes. This prop is handy in cases where you want to generate a side-effect whenever the component's query would change.

  • onData Function callback function which provides data, rawData, aggregationData and aggregations as function params.

  • showFilter Boolean [optional] show as filter when a value is selected in a global selected filters view. Defaults to true.

  • filterLabel String [optional] An optional label to display for the component in the global selected filters view. This is only applicable if showFilter is enabled. Default value used here is componentId.

  • react Object react prop is available in components whose data view should reactively update when on or more dependent components change their states, e.g. ReactiveMap, ReactiveList.

    • key String one of and, or, not defines the combining clause.
      • and clause implies that the results will be filtered by matches from all of the associated component states.
      • or clause implies that the results will be filtered by matches from at least one of the associated component states.
      • not clause implies that the results will be filtered by an inverse match of the associated component states.
    • value String or Array or Object
      • String is used for specifying a single component by its componentId.
      • Array is used for specifying multiple components by their componentId.
      • Object is used for nesting other key clauses.
  • URLParams Boolean [optional] enable creating a URL query string parameter based on the selected value of the list. This is useful for sharing URLs with the component state. Defaults to false.

  • index String [optional] The index prop can be used to explicitly specify an index to query against for this component. It is suitable for use-cases where you want to fetch results from more than one index in a single ReactiveSearch API request. The default value for the index is set to the app prop defined in the ReactiveBase component.

    Note: This only works when enableAppbase prop is set to true in ReactiveBase.


ReactiveComponent with defaultQuery

ReactiveComponent with defaultQuery and React context

ReactiveComponent with defaultQuery and Antd component

A custom component using ReactiveComponent